Been workin my tail off on the studio!!! Like most any open space I have it had become a "catch-all" for all my junk...................
I went to C&C Guitars and traded for a Vox AC15 this week. Sweet little amp, I hear they can be a little temperamental......
I was mounting a mic stand in the new vocal booth (which is really a closet) and I got to thinking about radio interviews....................
I never really like doing them...I have a very dry sense of humor and the DJ is expecting a serious interview.....
I was in an "neighboring" state for an acoustic show and the promoter arranged an on air interview with one of the local radio stations....
I have to be there at 4pm for "The Drive Home" show. When I get there, the only person at the station is the DJ so I have to wait until he breaks to open the door.
Like many DJs that I have met before, they sound cool on the radio and dress up for their live appearances.
When they are at the station, they wear whatever they can find..................
He was wearing a pink Hobie tank top(this was 2005 BTW),green sweat pants(with the elastic legs) and a pair of flip-flops with socks.
We go over what we are gonna talk about and we get a soundcheck on my guitar.
So we start the interview, I literally say "Hi" and he talks for what seems to be 10 minutes.
Finally, he says" So you are from Texas, Why are there so many good bands based out of Texas?"
Good question right???? Well, always the entertainer my response was"Oh yeah, Like who?"
The air went dead for about 10 seconds............
He was like"ummmmmmmmmm"............................................... So is this your first trip to........................
And it was my last too..................................
Oh, and I am sad to say that "Chinese Democracy" by GNR will be released before "Filth"....... I never thought this would happen but Axle has finally outclassed me.....
Maybe I should give my CD away with every Dr Pepper sold?
I have a "Super Secret acouStic Show" this week. It is so secret that I will have to use my TomTom to find it.......................................
So go to every bar this week and you might see me there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good night folks!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Rock The Vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rock the Vote....Don't rock the vote baby.........Rock the Vote.......Don't tip the vote over...............
Enough of that!
I am an American and a voter!
I have voted in every election since I was 18
Not too long ago, this was a very exciting time of year for me.....
I couldn't wait to vote for my guy.............
Hoping the other guy didn't win!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a VERY political person, I just don't advertise it!
I don't think this is the platform for it. I want everyone to make up their own minds.......
I don't mind sharing my thoughts if you ask!
With that said, I have watched the debates.........
and I am no more informed than I was before!!!!!!!!!
Why can't the candidates give a straight answer to a direct question?
I am a "straight shooting" kind of guy........
I respect others that shoot me straight........
And ignore the people that don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a thought,
Maybe the debates should a "multiple choice" format.
Maybe the debates should a "multiple choice" format.
They have to choose A,B,C, D(all of the above)
Or a "Fill in the Blank"
Also, when I talk to people about politics I can tell if they are watching CNN or FOX.
I find that quite amusing.
Since I am a musician, I am expected to vote for Obama
But because I am a Texan, most would assume I am voting for McCain
I wish I could vote for Danny DeVito!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Always Sunny in Philadelphia will be on in about an hour!!!!!!!!!
P.S. the spellchecker only picked up on DeVito
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Watch This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice car!
When I was in High School, Jeremy (one of the other Pasquill boys) had a Nova similar to this one.
When I was in High School, Jeremy (one of the other Pasquill boys) had a Nova similar to this one.
The Girls Volleyball team made it to state. I was supposed to go to Austin with Jeremy and Cliff.
I missed like 6 weeks of school with mono.................
Needless to say, my Mom wouldn't let me go....................
When Cliff and Jeremy came over to pick me up about 4PM, I had to break the news to them.
Cliffy gave me an "N2Deep" cassette single of "Back to the Hotel" as a get well present.
In about 45 minutes, he came back and asked to borrow it so they would have something to listen to en route.....................
I never even played that tape once..................
A few months later, I am leaving Basketball Practice........
Jeremy had been in the weight room after school..........
He pulled over in the Nova to shoot the breeze..........
As he is about to leave, he says"Watch This"!
He applies the breaks........................
While flooring the gas.................
He is white smoking the tires, and I mean he is really givin it to it!!!!!!!!
Turns and looks at me.........
nods his head up and down with a real smug look(priceless)...........
Releases the brake............
And flys off...........
At the same time, Robert Watson(who had just got a new Chevy Truck) is coming around the building......
The met somewhere in the middle......................
If Jeremy would have had a Flux Capacitor, he might have missed Robert........
Instead, he T-Boned him..................
Jeremy had a speaker box in the back seat...............
Somehow it wound up in his lap without hitting him in the head...........
Robert's truck(still with the dealer tags) was all but totaled........
Jeremy had a small scratch in his bumper and his dash clock started working.....
I felt so damn bad for Robert................
I felt bad for Jeremy...............
But one of the funniest things I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Night All!!!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
You Outta Know...........
I have about a million Pasquill stories. This is not only one of the best but the stupidest.......
Me and Jason decided to go to see a Texas Rangers game before I went back to college. We met Cliffy and Mancuso(cliffy's brother James, an even longer story.)
It was the first part of August in 1995(I Think). Hot as hell, we were in section 300-something(that is the top ring)..........................
The game was vs the Indians and was on National TV. I tried to get Cliff to take his shirt off and do the "truffle shuffle" so we could make it on Sports Center..........
He wouldn't do it for some reason?
After the game, Jason and I embark on the ride home. We are tired from the heat and maybe a few drinks(we were doing what any slightly underage guy would do in 1995).........
We stop in Rockwall at a Dennys. Jason wanted the "Moon over Mi-Hammy" but refused to say it out-loud.........
After all of that, we continue our trek back to Deport.
We are jamming out to The Eagle when "You Outta Know" comes on..
By this point, it is about 3AM. Both of us are completely delirious.
When the song is over, I say: " I don't like that song but it is catchy." "Who sings it?"
Within a nano-second, Jason positions his arms in a "Z"(think of walk like an Egyptian) and says "Italian Stallion".
Had to pull over because I could not breath from laughing so hard..........................
About 2 months later I found out that it was "Alanis Morissette", not "Italian Stallion"
During that time, I often pondered why any record company would not only sign a band named "Italian Stallion" but let them release and album under that name.
Or why I would be dumb enough to believe Pasquill.......................
About the same time, while in college, she came to Birmingham.
There was a red-headed dude that parked in the same lot as I. He drove a maroon Mercury Sable(just like Jason's mom).
He must have went to that concert because he wore nothing but Alanis Morissette T-shirts for the rest of year and was ALWAYS, jamming out to "Jagged Little Pill"
I laughed at 8:30 in the morning every weekday for 7 months straight!
I swear this story is funnier in person!
Me and Jason decided to go to see a Texas Rangers game before I went back to college. We met Cliffy and Mancuso(cliffy's brother James, an even longer story.)
It was the first part of August in 1995(I Think). Hot as hell, we were in section 300-something(that is the top ring)..........................
The game was vs the Indians and was on National TV. I tried to get Cliff to take his shirt off and do the "truffle shuffle" so we could make it on Sports Center..........
He wouldn't do it for some reason?
After the game, Jason and I embark on the ride home. We are tired from the heat and maybe a few drinks(we were doing what any slightly underage guy would do in 1995).........
We stop in Rockwall at a Dennys. Jason wanted the "Moon over Mi-Hammy" but refused to say it out-loud.........
After all of that, we continue our trek back to Deport.
We are jamming out to The Eagle when "You Outta Know" comes on..
By this point, it is about 3AM. Both of us are completely delirious.
When the song is over, I say: " I don't like that song but it is catchy." "Who sings it?"
Within a nano-second, Jason positions his arms in a "Z"(think of walk like an Egyptian) and says "Italian Stallion".
Had to pull over because I could not breath from laughing so hard..........................
About 2 months later I found out that it was "Alanis Morissette", not "Italian Stallion"
During that time, I often pondered why any record company would not only sign a band named "Italian Stallion" but let them release and album under that name.
Or why I would be dumb enough to believe Pasquill.......................
About the same time, while in college, she came to Birmingham.
There was a red-headed dude that parked in the same lot as I. He drove a maroon Mercury Sable(just like Jason's mom).
He must have went to that concert because he wore nothing but Alanis Morissette T-shirts for the rest of year and was ALWAYS, jamming out to "Jagged Little Pill"
I laughed at 8:30 in the morning every weekday for 7 months straight!
I swear this story is funnier in person!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Infuences and Genre(s)
Is "Country" a bad word now? I missed that bulletin while I was ignoring those "Mobster" invites........
Yes, I do the myspace thing. I peruse the network and look at other bands.....
Listen to their tunes.......
Look at where they are playing............
See if they have "(now on iTunes)" by their name................Just kidding!
I often take a look at their influences while I listen.....
Sometimes I run across a band's profile where their songs and influences seem a little off......
I'll be hearing a song about having a Shiner and a Chimichana at Juan's Taco Stand in Lampasas...........
While reading that the Drummers influence is SlipKnot
The Bass Player's is Limp Bizkit
The Guitarist's is Korn
But the singer's influence is of course, Johnny Cash.
Funny, I didn't hear any of those artists in your song........Maybe I should listen again!
Should these four individuals be in the same room at the same time?
Nothing against any of the above mentioned artists, especially the man in black.....
I'll look at the top of the screen to see which Genre "Jim Bob and the Beer Breakers" has classified themselves as....
Rock/Southern Rock/Acoustic.....(the last one is because the singer does some solo work).I am missing something..
I really need to listen again..................
I think that the lines between genre(s) are really obvious...........
Or maybe I'm just old fashioned..........Or they are being REALLY FUNNY in a dry kind of way...
Or maybe I'm just a hater!..................
To all of the musicians out there, do your own thing.........
Play what you like, not what is "Hot" right now.
I knew you guys were achin' for a complaint! Shadowland(is in the studio) music coming soon!
Yes, I do the myspace thing. I peruse the network and look at other bands.....
Listen to their tunes.......
Look at where they are playing............
See if they have "(now on iTunes)" by their name................Just kidding!
I often take a look at their influences while I listen.....
Sometimes I run across a band's profile where their songs and influences seem a little off......
I'll be hearing a song about having a Shiner and a Chimichana at Juan's Taco Stand in Lampasas...........
While reading that the Drummers influence is SlipKnot
The Bass Player's is Limp Bizkit
The Guitarist's is Korn
But the singer's influence is of course, Johnny Cash.
Funny, I didn't hear any of those artists in your song........Maybe I should listen again!
Should these four individuals be in the same room at the same time?
Nothing against any of the above mentioned artists, especially the man in black.....
I'll look at the top of the screen to see which Genre "Jim Bob and the Beer Breakers" has classified themselves as....
Rock/Southern Rock/Acoustic.....(the last one is because the singer does some solo work).I am missing something..
I really need to listen again..................
I think that the lines between genre(s) are really obvious...........
Or maybe I'm just old fashioned..........Or they are being REALLY FUNNY in a dry kind of way...
Or maybe I'm just a hater!..................
To all of the musicians out there, do your own thing.........
Play what you like, not what is "Hot" right now.
I knew you guys were achin' for a complaint! Shadowland(is in the studio) music coming soon!
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Pootie Done Did it Again!!!!!!!!!!
The world needs Pootie Tang right now!!!!! Where did you go Pootie!!!!
One of the best movies ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Texas Music
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Texas Music
Current mood: animated
Oh, I know what you are thinking.................................................
There is an entire world of us musicians out there from Texas that don't fall into the "Texas Music" genere.
I have two artists that you guys should check out.
First off, check out Cody Moss from Texarkana.
I have played a couple of gigs with him. He just recorded a new song "If Only for A While" one of the best I have heard in a while.
Sounds absolutly nothing like "Creed".........................................
Next up, give Ben Broussard a listen.
Ben is a Beaumont native and pro baseball player.
You might remember him with the Cleveland Indians, Seattle Mariners and most recently with my Texas Rangers.
I still think The Rangers gave up on Ben way too soon!
He will land somewhere......................
My favorite song is "Deep" but they are all damn good......................
Stop by and show these guys some love. Tell em' Farris sent you!
2 blogs and no complaints? What is up with me?
Goodnight All!!!!
Back to the studio to do some late nite mixing..................
Texas Music
Current mood: animated
Oh, I know what you are thinking.................................................
There is an entire world of us musicians out there from Texas that don't fall into the "Texas Music" genere.
I have two artists that you guys should check out.
First off, check out Cody Moss from Texarkana.
I have played a couple of gigs with him. He just recorded a new song "If Only for A While" one of the best I have heard in a while.
Sounds absolutly nothing like "Creed".........................................
Next up, give Ben Broussard a listen.
Ben is a Beaumont native and pro baseball player.
You might remember him with the Cleveland Indians, Seattle Mariners and most recently with my Texas Rangers.
I still think The Rangers gave up on Ben way too soon!
He will land somewhere......................
My favorite song is "Deep" but they are all damn good......................
Stop by and show these guys some love. Tell em' Farris sent you!
2 blogs and no complaints? What is up with me?
Goodnight All!!!!
Back to the studio to do some late nite mixing..................
You Asked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
You Asked!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Current mood: dirty
Category: Music
People ask me about my guitar rig from time to time. They want to know what I use and where I got it. I hear a loud click as most of you hit the back button.
My gear setup is really simple. I like it that way. Really easy to diagnose a problem and I don't have to think that much(which is always a plus)
Electric Guitar(s):
My main guitar is a Black 1994 Gibson Les Paul Studio
2003 Faded Gibson SG
Early 80's Tokai Tele
Dean Markley Blue Steel 10's(been playing them for years)
Line 6 Pod XT Live(has an onboard tuner)
Behringer Virtualizer Pro(looped)
Marshall JCM 2000 DSL(100 watt)
Marshall JCM 1960B loaded with Celestion Vintage 30's
I have tried other combinations but this one works best for me. My secret weapon, the XT Live. I can get "Patches" online so that eliminates trial and error. I just go to Line 6's website and search for the sound I am looking for. That and RED BULL!
Like most of you musicians, I get tone envy from time to time. As I get older, I have figured out that "Tone" come from your fingers.
My Acoustic(s):
1997 Gibson Chet Atkins
2004 Gibson J180EC
Both of those depend on what I am doing that night. I usually bring both incase I break a string.
I use a Behringer ACX1000 Acoustic amp most of the time but I am starting to dig the L.R. Baggs DI box(Thanks to the tip from Eric Peel).
D'Addario EPX17's-I have been using them for about a year. They tend to hold up better and retain their tone.
I also use Monster Cables, they take a beating.
Where do I get my gear? I find a few deals on eBay and Craigslist. I also deal with Jack at C&C Guitars here in Paris. If you are looking for a good deal or a Vintage guitar or amp, check him out. Tell him Farris sent you! I get my strings from him until Dean Markley or D'Adarrio reads this and endorses me..............
Wow, this one even made me go to sleep..................
Next time I will tell you my Bass Rig, PA or my drum sets........
Or I will just complain about something
You Asked!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Current mood: dirty
Category: Music
People ask me about my guitar rig from time to time. They want to know what I use and where I got it. I hear a loud click as most of you hit the back button.
My gear setup is really simple. I like it that way. Really easy to diagnose a problem and I don't have to think that much(which is always a plus)
Electric Guitar(s):
My main guitar is a Black 1994 Gibson Les Paul Studio
2003 Faded Gibson SG
Early 80's Tokai Tele
Dean Markley Blue Steel 10's(been playing them for years)
Line 6 Pod XT Live(has an onboard tuner)
Behringer Virtualizer Pro(looped)
Marshall JCM 2000 DSL(100 watt)
Marshall JCM 1960B loaded with Celestion Vintage 30's
I have tried other combinations but this one works best for me. My secret weapon, the XT Live. I can get "Patches" online so that eliminates trial and error. I just go to Line 6's website and search for the sound I am looking for. That and RED BULL!
Like most of you musicians, I get tone envy from time to time. As I get older, I have figured out that "Tone" come from your fingers.
My Acoustic(s):
1997 Gibson Chet Atkins
2004 Gibson J180EC
Both of those depend on what I am doing that night. I usually bring both incase I break a string.
I use a Behringer ACX1000 Acoustic amp most of the time but I am starting to dig the L.R. Baggs DI box(Thanks to the tip from Eric Peel).
D'Addario EPX17's-I have been using them for about a year. They tend to hold up better and retain their tone.
I also use Monster Cables, they take a beating.
Where do I get my gear? I find a few deals on eBay and Craigslist. I also deal with Jack at C&C Guitars here in Paris. If you are looking for a good deal or a Vintage guitar or amp, check him out. Tell him Farris sent you! I get my strings from him until Dean Markley or D'Adarrio reads this and endorses me..............
Wow, this one even made me go to sleep..................
Next time I will tell you my Bass Rig, PA or my drum sets........
Or I will just complain about something
Talkin' Trash
Monday, July 14, 2008
Talkin’ Trash Current
mood: excited
Category: Music
There is more than one constant in the world. One of which is:
If you are a musician, someone is going to talk bad about you. PERIOD! I guess I kinda got numb to it when I was in deep. I wish we would have had Myspace in 1998! Our guest book was swamped with smack talkin'!
This blog stems from a "local" online forum talking about a "local" band. The entire thread was hijacked to discuss this band. There were two sides both arguing and defending their respective parties.
The best thing you can do as a musician if your name arises in this situation is to do nothing at all. It doesn't matter if the forum is right or wrong. Today's society seems to always believe anything negative that is typed or said. On the flip side, they discredit anything that is positive.
Also, consider the source. You will probably never know who the person is talking trash about you online. That same person would never say anything like that in your presence. So let it go!
Recently, someone wrote a very positive biography about me on a site that I assumed was reliable. The problem was it was full of half-truths and lies. Then someone else completely nuked me on the same page.
It upset my wife but I told her "What can I do?" The site did delete the page but not at my request. Both posts were from individuals that knew absolutly nothing about me!
Here is what I know:
I know what I am
I know what I am capable of
I know my accomplishments
I know my failures
I know I do my best to respect others
I know that sometimes people will disrespect me
I know some people will like me
I know some people will hate me
I know some think I am a good musician/person
I know some think I am a terrible musician/person.........................................
That's my $.02. Thanks to all of you that show your support to me and other musicians! I truly appreciate all of you!
Talkin’ Trash Current
mood: excited
Category: Music
There is more than one constant in the world. One of which is:
If you are a musician, someone is going to talk bad about you. PERIOD! I guess I kinda got numb to it when I was in deep. I wish we would have had Myspace in 1998! Our guest book was swamped with smack talkin'!
This blog stems from a "local" online forum talking about a "local" band. The entire thread was hijacked to discuss this band. There were two sides both arguing and defending their respective parties.
The best thing you can do as a musician if your name arises in this situation is to do nothing at all. It doesn't matter if the forum is right or wrong. Today's society seems to always believe anything negative that is typed or said. On the flip side, they discredit anything that is positive.
Also, consider the source. You will probably never know who the person is talking trash about you online. That same person would never say anything like that in your presence. So let it go!
Recently, someone wrote a very positive biography about me on a site that I assumed was reliable. The problem was it was full of half-truths and lies. Then someone else completely nuked me on the same page.
It upset my wife but I told her "What can I do?" The site did delete the page but not at my request. Both posts were from individuals that knew absolutly nothing about me!
Here is what I know:
I know what I am
I know what I am capable of
I know my accomplishments
I know my failures
I know I do my best to respect others
I know that sometimes people will disrespect me
I know some people will like me
I know some people will hate me
I know some think I am a good musician/person
I know some think I am a terrible musician/person.........................................
That's my $.02. Thanks to all of you that show your support to me and other musicians! I truly appreciate all of you!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Gruene River
Category: Music
Just sitting here taking a break...:
Thinking about buying a cheap charcoal grill
Had a great time playing the Rock n Float Festival on the Guadalupe.
Met some cool folks! I even wore sandals!
The entire time I played I wished I was on a tube.
Look at the pics, I look like a hip and shaved Fidel Castro!
For all of you singer/songwriters out there, I am opening up my studio
to you. I know how hard it is to get a demo out! I'll be doing it
on nights and weekends, when you are at your creative best!
Interested? Shoot me a message! Add to your friends list. Myspace friends will get a 4 song demo for $100.
Gruene River
Category: Music
Just sitting here taking a break...:
Thinking about buying a cheap charcoal grill
Had a great time playing the Rock n Float Festival on the Guadalupe.
Met some cool folks! I even wore sandals!
The entire time I played I wished I was on a tube.
Look at the pics, I look like a hip and shaved Fidel Castro!
For all of you singer/songwriters out there, I am opening up my studio
to you. I know how hard it is to get a demo out! I'll be doing it
on nights and weekends, when you are at your creative best!
Interested? Shoot me a message! Add to your friends list. Myspace friends will get a 4 song demo for $100.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Buttermilk Current mood: sleepy Category: Life
I called my mom the other day. Like always, she ask's me "Do you have to go out of town this week?"
"Yes" I said, "I have to go to Amarillo".
I always ask her if she has ever been to whatever town I heading to.
She says" Yes, Many times and I hate that place!"
You would have to know my mom to know that hate is a very stong word.
"Why is that mom?"
"Every year at the end of the summer my dad would load up his truck and put us kids on a flatbed trailer to pick cotton out there"
My mom was one of thirteen children and they lived in Johntown, TX(google it)
She made her first trip west at six years old. Her last trip was about 8 years later.
"Uncle Rush would ride with us on the trailer" she said. "Every billboard or sign that we passed on every trip, we would ask him what it said".
Uncle Rush had the same answer every time. "Buttermilk....5 cents a gallon".
Buttermilk Current mood: sleepy Category: Life
I called my mom the other day. Like always, she ask's me "Do you have to go out of town this week?"
"Yes" I said, "I have to go to Amarillo".
I always ask her if she has ever been to whatever town I heading to.
She says" Yes, Many times and I hate that place!"
You would have to know my mom to know that hate is a very stong word.
"Why is that mom?"
"Every year at the end of the summer my dad would load up his truck and put us kids on a flatbed trailer to pick cotton out there"
My mom was one of thirteen children and they lived in Johntown, TX(google it)
She made her first trip west at six years old. Her last trip was about 8 years later.
"Uncle Rush would ride with us on the trailer" she said. "Every billboard or sign that we passed on every trip, we would ask him what it said".
Uncle Rush had the same answer every time. "Buttermilk....5 cents a gallon".
Whud Up?
Friday, April 18, 2008
Whud Up? Current mood: sick Category: Music
How many times have I said "I need to blog more"? I am lazy sometimes. Here is the lowdown
New music is slightly on track. Only my wife, posey, o'neal, rick the bassplayer and the lambman have heard any of it. I would say I am 3/4's of the way through. Then it has to be mastered.
Thinking about having a limited release on cd and try to shift to iTunes exclusivly. Eventually, online will be the only way to buy music.
It is cool to have your own studio and it is a wreck! I have to step over pedals, cables and lyrics to get to my guitar. When I do the drum tracks, I have to clear a path so I can hit record, run to the drums and put on my headphones.
This album is defiantly gonna be different! I dig many different types of music and they are all on this one. I will even be covering an old "Thornapple" tune.
The band will have a new name, so Farris is gone. New myspace page and attitude. My myspace, if you couldn't tell is for my solo and acoustic stuff along with photos and such.
Whud Up? Current mood: sick Category: Music
How many times have I said "I need to blog more"? I am lazy sometimes. Here is the lowdown
New music is slightly on track. Only my wife, posey, o'neal, rick the bassplayer and the lambman have heard any of it. I would say I am 3/4's of the way through. Then it has to be mastered.
Thinking about having a limited release on cd and try to shift to iTunes exclusivly. Eventually, online will be the only way to buy music.
It is cool to have your own studio and it is a wreck! I have to step over pedals, cables and lyrics to get to my guitar. When I do the drum tracks, I have to clear a path so I can hit record, run to the drums and put on my headphones.
This album is defiantly gonna be different! I dig many different types of music and they are all on this one. I will even be covering an old "Thornapple" tune.
The band will have a new name, so Farris is gone. New myspace page and attitude. My myspace, if you couldn't tell is for my solo and acoustic stuff along with photos and such.
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