Nice car!
When I was in High School, Jeremy (one of the other Pasquill boys) had a Nova similar to this one.
When I was in High School, Jeremy (one of the other Pasquill boys) had a Nova similar to this one.
The Girls Volleyball team made it to state. I was supposed to go to Austin with Jeremy and Cliff.
I missed like 6 weeks of school with mono.................
Needless to say, my Mom wouldn't let me go....................
When Cliff and Jeremy came over to pick me up about 4PM, I had to break the news to them.
Cliffy gave me an "N2Deep" cassette single of "Back to the Hotel" as a get well present.
In about 45 minutes, he came back and asked to borrow it so they would have something to listen to en route.....................
I never even played that tape once..................
A few months later, I am leaving Basketball Practice........
Jeremy had been in the weight room after school..........
He pulled over in the Nova to shoot the breeze..........
As he is about to leave, he says"Watch This"!
He applies the breaks........................
While flooring the gas.................
He is white smoking the tires, and I mean he is really givin it to it!!!!!!!!
Turns and looks at me.........
nods his head up and down with a real smug look(priceless)...........
Releases the brake............
And flys off...........
At the same time, Robert Watson(who had just got a new Chevy Truck) is coming around the building......
The met somewhere in the middle......................
If Jeremy would have had a Flux Capacitor, he might have missed Robert........
Instead, he T-Boned him..................
Jeremy had a speaker box in the back seat...............
Somehow it wound up in his lap without hitting him in the head...........
Robert's truck(still with the dealer tags) was all but totaled........
Jeremy had a small scratch in his bumper and his dash clock started working.....
I felt so damn bad for Robert................
I felt bad for Jeremy...............
But one of the funniest things I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Night All!!!!!