Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Whud Up?

Friday, April 18, 2008
Whud Up? Current mood: sick Category: Music
How many times have I said "I need to blog more"? I am lazy sometimes. Here is the lowdown
New music is slightly on track. Only my wife, posey, o'neal, rick the bassplayer and the lambman have heard any of it. I would say I am 3/4's of the way through. Then it has to be mastered.
Thinking about having a limited release on cd and try to shift to iTunes exclusivly. Eventually, online will be the only way to buy music.
It is cool to have your own studio and it is a wreck! I have to step over pedals, cables and lyrics to get to my guitar. When I do the drum tracks, I have to clear a path so I can hit record, run to the drums and put on my headphones.
This album is defiantly gonna be different! I dig many different types of music and they are all on this one. I will even be covering an old "Thornapple" tune.
The band will have a new name, so Farris is gone. New myspace page and attitude. My myspace, if you couldn't tell is for my solo and acoustic stuff along with photos and such.

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