Sunday, September 21, 2008

You Outta Know...........

I have about a million Pasquill stories. This is not only one of the best but the stupidest.......

Me and Jason decided to go to see a Texas Rangers game before I went back to college. We met Cliffy and Mancuso(cliffy's brother James, an even longer story.)

It was the first part of August in 1995(I Think). Hot as hell, we were in section 300-something(that is the top ring)..........................

The game was vs the Indians and was on National TV. I tried to get Cliff to take his shirt off and do the "truffle shuffle" so we could make it on Sports Center..........

He wouldn't do it for some reason?

After the game, Jason and I embark on the ride home. We are tired from the heat and maybe a few drinks(we were doing what any slightly underage guy would do in 1995).........

We stop in Rockwall at a Dennys. Jason wanted the "Moon over Mi-Hammy" but refused to say it out-loud.........

After all of that, we continue our trek back to Deport.

We are jamming out to The Eagle when "You Outta Know" comes on..

By this point, it is about 3AM. Both of us are completely delirious.

When the song is over, I say: " I don't like that song but it is catchy." "Who sings it?"

Within a nano-second, Jason positions his arms in a "Z"(think of walk like an Egyptian) and says "Italian Stallion".

Had to pull over because I could not breath from laughing so hard..........................

About 2 months later I found out that it was "Alanis Morissette", not "Italian Stallion"

During that time, I often pondered why any record company would not only sign a band named "Italian Stallion" but let them release and album under that name.

Or why I would be dumb enough to believe Pasquill.......................

About the same time, while in college, she came to Birmingham.

There was a red-headed dude that parked in the same lot as I. He drove a maroon Mercury Sable(just like Jason's mom).

He must have went to that concert because he wore nothing but Alanis Morissette T-shirts for the rest of year and was ALWAYS, jamming out to "Jagged Little Pill"

I laughed at 8:30 in the morning every weekday for 7 months straight!

I swear this story is funnier in person!

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